It’s official! It’s time to build.
Last March 13, 2018, Lifegiver QC held its groundbreaking ceremony to jump-start the construction of Project Solomon.
The ground-breaking ceremony was headed by Bishop Manny Santiago, the founder and Senior Pastor of Jesus Christ the Lifegiver Church. It was attended by pastors, leaders, workers, donors and esteemed members of the church. Everyone is excited to start Project Solomon’s construction.

Project Solomon is an 8-storey church building project situated at KJ corner K8th St., East Kamias, Quezon City. It will soon rise to be the centre of training and worship for Lifegiver Church. It aims to change lives, train leaders and transform the nation.

The need to build Project Solomon came when Lifegiver Church faced the challenge of accommodating more people from its former 300-seater sanctuary. Lifegiver Church, since its inception, has been deeply involved in embracing the Lord’s Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19. Its purpose has always been to love God, love people and make disciple-making disciples for Jesus Christ.

As it was able to influence more people, including the Body of Christ, it has been difficult for the church to serve all the lives that are surrendering to Christ, willing to be trained and sent out for missions. Building God’s house became the answer to the church’s prayer that came with the calling for expansion.

But Project Solomon is more than a church building. As Bishop Manny once shared, “This is a legacy we will leave for the generations to come.” It will be the home and training ground of anyone whose life is changed by a decision to follow Jesus and willingness to serve the Lord with all his mind, soul, strength, heart and being.

Indeed, Project Solomon is a dream that is turning to a reality. And with the Lord’s faithfulness and abounding grace, mercy and goodness, this start will definitely see its finished ending.

/** * Observe how the user enters content into the comment form in order to determine whether it's a bot or not. * * Note that no actual input is being saved here, only counts and timings between events. */ ( function() { // Passive event listeners are guaranteed to never call e.preventDefault(), // but they're not supported in all browsers. Use this feature detection // to determine whether they're available for use. var supportsPassive = false; try { var opts = Object.defineProperty( {}, 'passive', { get : function() { supportsPassive = true; } } ); window.addEventListener( 'testPassive', null, opts ); window.removeEventListener( 'testPassive', null, opts ); } catch ( e ) {} function init() { var input_begin = ''; var keydowns = {}; var lastKeyup = null; var lastKeydown = null; var keypresses = []; var modifierKeys = []; var correctionKeys = []; var lastMouseup = null; var lastMousedown = null; var mouseclicks = []; var mousemoveTimer = null; var lastMousemoveX = null; var lastMousemoveY = null; var mousemoveStart = null; var mousemoves = []; var touchmoveCountTimer = null; var touchmoveCount = 0; var lastTouchEnd = null; var lastTouchStart = null; var touchEvents = []; var scrollCountTimer = null; var scrollCount = 0; var correctionKeyCodes = [ 'Backspace', 'Delete', 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'Home', 'End', 'PageUp', 'PageDown' ]; var modifierKeyCodes = [ 'Shift', 'CapsLock' ]; var forms = document.querySelectorAll( 'form[method=post]' ); for ( var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++ ) { var form = forms[i]; var formAction = form.getAttribute( 'action' ); // Ignore forms that POST directly to other domains; these could be things like payment forms. if ( formAction ) { // Check that the form is posting to an external URL, not a path. if ( formAction.indexOf( 'http://' ) == 0 || formAction.indexOf( 'https://' ) == 0 ) { if ( formAction.indexOf( 'http://' + window.location.hostname + '/' ) != 0 && formAction.indexOf( 'https://' + window.location.hostname + '/' ) != 0 ) { continue; } } } form.addEventListener( 'submit', function () { var ak_bkp = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( keypresses ); var ak_bmc = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( mouseclicks ); var ak_bte = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( touchEvents ); var ak_bmm = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( mousemoves ); var input_fields = { // When did the user begin entering any input? 'ak_bib': input_begin, // When was the form submitted? 'ak_bfs':, // How many keypresses did they make? 'ak_bkpc': keypresses.length, // How quickly did they press a sample of keys, and how long between them? 'ak_bkp': ak_bkp, // How quickly did they click the mouse, and how long between clicks? 'ak_bmc': ak_bmc, // How many mouseclicks did they make? 'ak_bmcc': mouseclicks.length, // When did they press modifier keys (like Shift or Capslock)? 'ak_bmk': modifierKeys.join( ';' ), // When did they correct themselves? e.g., press Backspace, or use the arrow keys to move the cursor back 'ak_bck': correctionKeys.join( ';' ), // How many times did they move the mouse? 'ak_bmmc': mousemoves.length, // How many times did they move around using a touchscreen? 'ak_btmc': touchmoveCount, // How many times did they scroll? 'ak_bsc': scrollCount, // How quickly did they perform touch events, and how long between them? 'ak_bte': ak_bte, // How many touch events were there? 'ak_btec' : touchEvents.length, // How quickly did they move the mouse, and how long between moves? 'ak_bmm' : ak_bmm }; for ( var field_name in input_fields ) { var field = document.createElement( 'input' ); field.setAttribute( 'type', 'hidden' ); field.setAttribute( 'name', field_name ); field.setAttribute( 'value', input_fields[ field_name ] ); this.appendChild( field ); } }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( 'keydown', function ( e ) { // If you hold a key down, some browsers send multiple keydown events in a row. // Ignore any keydown events for a key that hasn't come back up yet. if ( e.key in keydowns ) { return; } var keydownTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); keydowns[ e.key ] = [ keydownTime ]; if ( ! input_begin ) { input_begin = keydownTime; } // In some situations, we don't want to record an interval since the last keypress -- for example, // on the first keypress, or on a keypress after focus has changed to another element. Normally, // we want to record the time between the last keyup and this keydown. But if they press a // key while already pressing a key, we want to record the time between the two keydowns. var lastKeyEvent = Math.max( lastKeydown, lastKeyup ); if ( lastKeyEvent ) { keydowns[ e.key ].push( keydownTime - lastKeyEvent ); } lastKeydown = keydownTime; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( e ) { if ( ! ( e.key in keydowns ) ) { // This key was pressed before this script was loaded, or a mouseclick happened during the keypress, or... return; } var keyupTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); if ( 'TEXTAREA' === || 'INPUT' === ) { if ( -1 !== modifierKeyCodes.indexOf( e.key ) ) { modifierKeys.push( keypresses.length - 1 ); } else if ( -1 !== correctionKeyCodes.indexOf( e.key ) ) { correctionKeys.push( keypresses.length - 1 ); } else { // ^ Don't record timings for keys like Shift or backspace, since they // typically get held down for longer than regular typing. var keydownTime = keydowns[ e.key ][0]; var keypress = []; // Keypress duration. keypress.push( keyupTime - keydownTime ); // Amount of time between this keypress and the previous keypress. if ( keydowns[ e.key ].length > 1 ) { keypress.push( keydowns[ e.key ][1] ); } keypresses.push( keypress ); } } delete keydowns[ e.key ]; lastKeyup = keyupTime; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( "focusin", function ( e ) { lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( "focusout", function ( e ) { lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); } document.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function ( e ) { lastMousedown = ( new Date() ).getTime(); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', function ( e ) { if ( ! lastMousedown ) { // If the mousedown happened before this script was loaded, but the mouseup happened after... return; } var now = ( new Date() ).getTime(); var mouseclick = []; mouseclick.push( now - lastMousedown ); if ( lastMouseup ) { mouseclick.push( lastMousedown - lastMouseup ); } mouseclicks.push( mouseclick ); lastMouseup = now; // If the mouse has been clicked, don't record this time as an interval between keypresses. lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function ( e ) { if ( mousemoveTimer ) { clearTimeout( mousemoveTimer ); mousemoveTimer = null; } else { mousemoveStart = ( new Date() ).getTime(); lastMousemoveX = e.offsetX; lastMousemoveY = e.offsetY; } mousemoveTimer = setTimeout( function ( theEvent, originalMousemoveStart ) { var now = ( new Date() ).getTime() - 500; // To account for the timer delay. var mousemove = []; mousemove.push( now - originalMousemoveStart ); mousemove.push( Math.round( Math.sqrt( Math.pow( theEvent.offsetX - lastMousemoveX, 2 ) + Math.pow( theEvent.offsetY - lastMousemoveY, 2 ) ) ) ); if ( mousemove[1] > 0 ) { // If there was no measurable distance, then it wasn't really a move. mousemoves.push( mousemove ); } mousemoveStart = null; mousemoveTimer = null; }, 500, e, mousemoveStart ); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'touchmove', function ( e ) { if ( touchmoveCountTimer ) { clearTimeout( touchmoveCountTimer ); } touchmoveCountTimer = setTimeout( function () { touchmoveCount++; }, 500 ); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'touchstart', function ( e ) { lastTouchStart = ( new Date() ).getTime(); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'touchend', function ( e ) { if ( ! lastTouchStart ) { // If the touchstart happened before this script was loaded, but the touchend happened after... return; } var now = ( new Date() ).getTime(); var touchEvent = []; touchEvent.push( now - lastTouchStart ); if ( lastTouchEnd ) { touchEvent.push( lastTouchStart - lastTouchEnd ); } touchEvents.push( touchEvent ); lastTouchEnd = now; // Don't record this time as an interval between keypresses. lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'scroll', function ( e ) { if ( scrollCountTimer ) { clearTimeout( scrollCountTimer ); } scrollCountTimer = setTimeout( function () { scrollCount++; }, 500 ); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); } /** * For the timestamp data that is collected, don't send more than `limit` data points in the request. * Choose a random slice and send those. */ function prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( a, limit ) { if ( ! limit ) { limit = 100; } var rv = ''; if ( a.length > 0 ) { var random_starting_point = Math.max( 0, Math.floor( Math.random() * a.length - limit ) ); for ( var i = 0; i < limit && i < a.length; i++ ) { rv += a[ random_starting_point + i ][0]; if ( a[ random_starting_point + i ].length >= 2 ) { rv += "," + a[ random_starting_point + i ][1]; } rv += ";"; } } return rv; } if ( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) { init(); } else { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', init ); } })();